Wairarapa Line

Calendar & Timetables for Wairarapa Line

Monthly calendar updated 2 December

Monthly Calendar - Wairarapa Line [PDF, 316 KB]

Sometimes buses replace trains only on part of the line, even when all services are affected.

Detailed information below will note which stations are affected when only a portion of the line has bus replacements.


WRL December Timetable
Wednesday 25 December - Sunday 12 January

Buses replace all services between Wellington and Masterton

Wairarapa Line 25 December - 12 January [PDF, 219 KB]

WRL January Calendar

Monday 13 January - Sunday 9 February

Buses replace all services between Wellington and Masterton

Wairarapa Line 13 January - 9 February [PDF, 273 KB]

Bus stop locations

Stop locations are visible on the map by selecting "Buses replacing trains bus stops" from the Show on map tab.

Last published: Thursday, 8 February 2024 at 12:52 am