Jackson Street Bus Stop Accessibility
This project will no longer fall under the Transport Choices programme of work, and will be reassessed again once this is possible.
The way we shop, eat, and travel is changing. Rapid change and growth mean we need to plan ahead to shape our cities into places that can support an improved quality of life. At the same time, we need to think about how we can tackle one of the biggest challenges of our time, climate change.
In May 2022, the government released its first Emissions Reduction Plan (ERP) and highlighted the significant role transport plays in the climate response. They called for a 41% reduction in emissions from the transport sector by 2035 (from 2019 levels).
The Waka Kotahi Climate Emergency Response Programme was formed with a $1.2 billion Climate Emergency Fund. This funding aims to support New Zealanders in reducing their reliance on private cars by encouraging walking, cycling, and taking public transport.
To support this, we need to improve access to public transport, and address safety and accessibility issues at bus stops across our network – this includes three bus stops on Jackson Street, Petone.
There is a high risk of buses collecting building canopies, meaning drivers can’t pull in closely to the kerb to safely let passengers on and off the bus, limiting who can use the stops.
Metlink is committed to addressing these issues to ensure Jackson Street customers are no longer disadvantaged. We aim to achieve this by building two new in-line bus stops, and a kerb extension at a third stop. This will better integrate bus stops into the streetscape, creating enhanced more beautiful customer waiting areas, and reduce delays for passengers - benefiting you in several ways:
Stop 8005 Jackson Street at Beach Street(external link)
- Situated outside numbers 274, 274B, 274C, and 276 Jackson Street.
- One additional on-street parking space, located just in front of 276 Jackson Street.
- Two upgraded bus shelters, signage and seating.
- Improved lighting at the stops.
- Better positioning of digital Real Time Information (RTI) displays.
- Improved accessibility for customers, including tactile pavers to assist the visually impaired.
- Faster bus journeys, with less delays, as the new design extends the kerb by 3m, removing the need for buses exiting and re-entering into traffic.
Stop 9005 Jackson Street at Britannia Street(external link)
- Situated outside number 205A Jackson Street.
- Fresh car park markings, plus three additional on-street parking spaces (two car, one motorcycle), located just in front of 205A Jackson Street.
- Upgraded bus shelter, signage and seating (in discussions with Hutt City Council).
- Improved lighting at the stop.
- Better positioning of digital Real Time Information (RTI) display.
- New concrete footpath, providing a separate area for pedestrians and customers waiting at bus stop.
- Improved accessibility for customers, including tactile pavers to assist the visually impaired.
- Faster bus journeys, with less delays, as the new design extends the kerb by 2m, removing the need for buses exiting and re-entering into traffic.
Stop 8006 Jackson Street at Bolton Street(external link)
- Situated outside numbers 332A, 334, and 340 Jackson Street.
- Fresh car park markings, plus an additional on-street parking space, located just in front of 340 Jackson Street.
- Upgraded bus shelter, signage and seating.
- Improved lighting at the stop.
- Better positioning of digital Real Time Information (RTI) display.
- New concrete footpath, providing a separate area for pedestrians and customers waiting at bus stops.
- Improved accessibility for customers, including tactile pavers to assist the visually impaired.
- Faster bus journeys, with less delays, as the new design extends the kerb by 3m, removing the need for buses exiting and re-entering into traffic.
In making these changes for the community, cars will no longer be able to overtake when a bus is waiting at the bus stop.