KiwiRail Upgrades: Wairarapa Line

- Signalling: Installing a signalling system between Featherston and Masterton, which will require a 43km duct along the entire route to bring power to the signals.
- Level crossings: Making safety improvements on most of the Wairarapa Line’s 30 level crossings. The addition of bells, barriers and pedestrian mazes will improve safety for both vehicles and pedestrians. Some crossings will be realigned to allow for better sightlines. A small number of crossings will be closed permanently to vehicles.
- Passing loops: A new track layout at Woodside will allow trains to pass each other.
- Freight: A new freight siding and backshunt (wagon storage) at Waingawa.
KiwiRail is engaging with the Featherston community on the question of whether to close Fox St level crossing or Bell St level crossing (either option meets safety requirements).
KiwiRail made progress on the ugprade of Fitzherbert St level crossing in Featherston. Construction of a new passing loop commenced south of Woodside Station and CSR works (trenching along the line to hold power cables) started in the Woodside area.
KiwiRail has cleared the area opposite Carterton Railway Station and set up a project site compound, which will be used by project teams working on the Wairarapa Line upgrades, and also as a long-term signals maintenance facility.
These upgrades will support and enable Metlink’s plans for more peak and off-peak services for the Wairarapa in coming years.
New signals along the line will increase safety for road and rail users, increase the efficiency of train movements and allow more than one train at a time in the Featherston to Masterton section.
Level crossing upgrades will improve safety for vehicles, pedestrians and rail passengers.
Customer Impact
Buses will replace some train services, mostly during weekends and public holidays.